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👋 Hello!>

👋 Hello! #

I’m Louis, a weeb, a nerd, a handsome young man! I was summoned into this world 4 years and 2 decades ago, and I’m located at one of the countries within the ring of fire, in south east Asia.

🤟 What I do>

🤟 What I do #

I do magic with my keyboard. ⌨️

I do magic with a pencil. ✏

I also do magic with my mind!! 🧠 (kinda.)

I usually waste my time watching anime. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’ll use this platform to share random thoughts that pop-up in my head during the day, ideas that may or may not be useful, rants on whatever it is I want to rant about, or whatever else I feel like writing.